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Strictly following the Path of Alsunnah waljamaah

We strictly follow the path of Ahlusunnah waljamaah

Competent Instructors

We have competent instructors who are not only qualified but also dedicated and compassionate.

Accessible to Studebts from all parts of the World

We are accessible to students from all parts of the world.


Trusted by Thousand of Students and Parents

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I just wanted to say a big jazakallahu khairan katheeran sis For helping me with my Quran recitation these past months I know my recitation is so much better and insha Allah my Tahajjud and recitation will be more accurate than it has ever been in my life
SisU Aishah Umm Al Ameen
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I would like to express how grateful I am to have you as both my friend and teacher. Your critics, support, and encouragement have helped me grow and learn in ways that I never thought were possible, Alhamdulillahi. Your unwavering belief in me that I can be better has given me the confidence to better and seek more
Sis Hamdallah Umm Lateefah
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I also want to use this medium to appreciate my awesome and capable Mudarisa, for her huge efforts, encouragement and advices. Sincerely married women ( mothers) are usually very difficult to teach. But you aren't tired of our excuses and inadequacies, may Allah reward you abundantly. In Sha Allah we would always make you proud as we are always proud and pleased to have you as our teacher.
Sis Shukurah Umm Anas
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“Pulvinar dui vitae enim, diam et nulla elit nam leo lacinia et, a, pulvinar gravida enim in blandit mauris vitae volutpat urna, sed justo hendrerit.”
Mike Edward