About Us

What We're All About

Recite and Ascend Academy is a highly-reputed institution that has been founded by none other than the dedicated and beloved teacher, Fatimah bint Shaakir Aiyegbajeje, who holds immense expertise and experience in the field of Quran and Islamic studies. She has worked tirelessly to create an environment that is conducive to learning and fosters a deep connection with the religious teachings of the Quran. This academy is committed to providing top-notch education to its students, ensuring that they not only gain a thorough understanding of the Quran but are also able to apply its teachings in their daily lives. With a range of specialised courses and programs on offer, Recite and Ascend Academy strives to cater to the diverse needs and interests of its students, helping them become well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to society.

Who We Are

Our Vision

To be one of the institutions that contribute to female Islamic scholarship in the west African Region so that there’s no neighborhood except that there’s a muslim woman who is well grounded in the sciences of Quran and Islamic Studies,  radiating the light of knowledge to her immediate community.

Our Mission

To connect the hearts of Muslim women and children to Allah through the Qur’an and authentic Islamic Knowledge.

Our Core Value

1) Strictly following the path of Ahlussunnah waljamaah

2)Competent instructors who are not only qualified but also dedicated and compassionate 

3) Accessible to students from all parts of world

Strictly following the path of Ahlussunnah waljamaah
Competent instructors who are not only qualified but also dedicated and compassionate
Accessible to students from all parts of world